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Unique and innovative teaching methods
that foster creativity using play-based,
experiential learning approaches

Unique and innovative teaching methods
that foster creativity using play-based,
experiential learning approaches

Business introduction

Benefits of the programs

Antonio Benitez facilitates social circus and creativity trainings for instructors, teachers, coaches, and individuals seeking to enhance their creative abilities. Participants develop the skills they need to engage in transformative ways with at-risk youth (those confronting challenging social issues).
Using his unique Crealogys Method, Antonio’s training programs empower participants to enhance their skills, knowledge, and competencies to more effectively train and support youth in personal and social development, fostering self-esteem, building trust, and enhancing social skills. Ideal participants include trainers, facilitators, teachers, and artists who need support in training at-risk youth in personal and social development.

  • Heightened creativity, fostering imaginative problem-solving and instilling innovative thinking in educational approaches.
  • Teaching proficiency and methodological expertise, specifically tailored for social intervention.
  • A deep understanding of social circus principles, empowering participants to engage effectively with at-risk youth.
  • The program hones facilitation and dynamic group management skills, while enhancing communication abilities.
  • Effective teamwork, planning, and program design, collectively shaping well-rounded social circus practitioners/trainers and other teachers.
  • A profound sense of empowerment for overcoming obstacles and inspiring teams within a social context.
  • Graduates emerge as inspired visionaries, equipped with leadership and conflict resolution skills, committed to positive societal change with authenticity and purpose.

Business introduction

Benefits of the programs

Antonio Benitez facilitates social circus and creativity trainings for instructors, teachers, coaches, and individuals seeking to enhance their creative abilities. Participants develop the skills they need to engage in transformative ways with at-risk youth (those confronting challenging social issues).

Using his unique Crealogys Method, Antonio’s training programs empower participants to enhance their skills, knowledge, and competencies to more effectively train and support youth in personal and social development, fostering self-esteem, building trust, and enhancing social skills. Ideal participants include trainers, facilitators, teachers, and artists who need support in training at-risk youth in personal and social development.

Participants of these social circus and creativity training programs will develop:

  • Heightened creativity, fostering imaginative problem-solving and instilling innovative thinking in educational approaches.
  • Teaching proficiency and methodological expertise, specifically tailored for social intervention.
  • A deep understanding of social circus principles, empowering participants to engage effectively with at-risk youth.
  • The program hones facilitation and dynamic group management skills, while enhancing communication abilities.
  • Effective teamwork, planning, and program design, collectively shaping well-rounded social circus practitioners/trainers and other teachers.
  • A profound sense of empowerment for overcoming obstacles and inspiring teams within a social context.
  • Graduates emerge as inspired visionaries, equipped with leadership and conflict resolution skills, committed to positive societal change with authenticity and purpose.

Business introduction

Antonio Benitez facilitates social circus and creativity trainings for instructors, teachers, coaches, and individuals seeking to enhance their creative abilities. Participants develop the skills they need to engage in transformative ways with at-risk youth (those confronting challenging social issues).

Using his unique Crealogys Method, Antonio’s training programs empower participants to enhance their skills, knowledge, and competencies to more effectively train and support youth in personal and social development, fostering self-esteem, building trust, and enhancing social skills. Ideal participants include trainers, facilitators, teachers, and artists who need support in training at-risk youth in personal and social development.

Benefits of the programs

Participants of these social circus and creativity training programs will develop:

  • Heightened creativity, fostering imaginative problem-solving and instilling innovative thinking in educational approaches.
  • Teaching proficiency and methodological expertise, specifically tailored for social intervention.
  • A deep understanding of social circus principles, empowering participants to engage effectively with at-risk youth.
  • The program hones facilitation and dynamic group management skills, while enhancing communication abilities.
  • Effective teamwork, planning, and program design, collectively shaping well-rounded social circus practitioners/trainers and other teachers.
  • A profound sense of empowerment for overcoming obstacles and inspiring teams within a social context.
  • Graduates emerge as inspired visionaries, equipped with leadership and conflict resolution skills, committed to positive societal change with authenticity and purpose.



Over 16 hours (spread across a weekend or longer) dive into live group coaching sessions designed to equip you with the essentials for using social circus as a powerful intervention tool with at-risk youth.

Key modules include:

  • The art of teaching, pedagogy, and methodologies
  • Understanding social circus: objectives and intervention strategies
  • Unlocking creativity: tools, techniques, and engaging games
  • Resilience Building for at-risk youth

Enhance your facilitation and group management skills, refine your communication abilities, and discover effective planning tools. Plus, enjoy bonus activities designed to enrich both teaching and learning experiences.

Join us for this transformative experience and unleash your potential to make a positive impact in the lives of at-risk youth.


Over 16 hours (spread across a weekend or longer) dive into live group coaching sessions designed to equip you with the essentials for using social circus as a powerful intervention tool with at-risk youth.

Key modules include:

  • The art of teaching, pedagogy, and methodologies
  • Understanding social circus: objectives and intervention strategies
  • Unlocking creativity: tools, techniques, and engaging games
  • Resilience Building for at-risk youth

Enhance your facilitation and group management skills, refine your communication abilities, and discover effective planning tools. Plus, enjoy bonus activities designed to enrich both teaching and learning experiences.

Join us for this transformative experience and unleash your potential to make a positive impact in the lives of at-risk youth.


Over 16 hours (spread across a weekend or longer) dive into live group coaching sessions designed to equip you with the essentials for using social circus as a powerful intervention tool with at-risk youth.

Key modules include:

  • The art of teaching, pedagogy, and methodologies
  • Understanding social circus: objectives and intervention strategies
  • Unlocking creativity: tools, techniques, and engaging games
  • Resilience Building for at-risk youth

Enhance your facilitation and group management skills, refine your communication abilities, and discover effective planning tools. Plus, enjoy bonus activities designed to enrich both teaching and learning experiences.

Join us for this transformative experience and unleash your potential to make a positive impact in the lives of at-risk youth.


Dive into the world of social circus training, whether you aspire to become a certified trainer or integrate these innovative techniques when working with at-risk youth.

Over 60 hours spread across two weeks (6 hours per day), Antonio will guide you through immersive LIVE group coaching sessions, providing a comprehensive understanding of social circus principles and methodologies.

Key modules include:

  • Harnessing creativity: Explore tools, techniques, and strategies for effective teaching and coaching.
  • The power of play: Utilize games and activities as a dynamic pedagogical approach.
  • Mastering the art of teaching: Learn didactics and methodologies tailored for social circus training.
  • Understanding social circus: Define its objectives, intervention methods, and role in social inclusion.
  • Ensuring safety: Address emotional and physical safety concerns when working with at-risk youth.
  • Building resilience: Discover strategies for supporting at-risk youth and understanding target groups.
  • Effective facilitation: Develop skills in group management, dynamics, and intercultural relations.
  • Instructor essentials: Understand the role, responsibilities, and foundations of being a social circus instructor.
  • Communication mastery: Enhance communication and feedback techniques for optimal learning.
  • Fostering teamwork and leadership: Learn to lead effectively and collaborate within a team setting.
  • Program planning: Design and implement social circus programs with precision and purpose.
  • Cultivating partnerships: Explore the importance of collaboration and partnerships in social circus initiatives.
  • Evaluation methods: Utilize tools for assessing program effectiveness and participant progress.
  • Bonus 1: Trainer of trainers module.
  • Bonus 2: Exploring creativity and arts for social change.

Join us and unlock your potential to create positive societal change through the transformative power of social circus training. Book a discovery call to learn more?

View dossier


Introducing our 40-hour Social Art Training program! Unlike our previous social circus training, this program takes a deeper dive into creativity and moves away from social circus to focus solely on Social Art training. Designed specifically to empower educators and artists, this training equips participants with the tools necessary to utilize art as an intervention tool for positive social change.

We emphasize the transformative benefits of art, including empowering individuals, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and solidarity, especially within marginalized communities. Join us for an immersive journey into the world of Social Art and discover how creativity can be harnessed as a powerful force for social transformation.

Key benefits of the training include:

  • Empowering instructors
  • Enhancing didactic and technical capabilities
  • Reinforcing playful learning through the Crealogys method
  • Facilitating knowledge dissemination

Participants will gain the skills and knowledge needed to leverage art as a tool for social intervention and positive community development.

Key modules include:

  • The Creativity module: Understanding and enhancing creativity through theoretical concepts and practical exercises.
  • The Social Pedagogy module: Experiential learning, teaching techniques, and integrating play into educational processes.
  • The Social Art module: Exploring the objectives, resources, and practical aspects of implementing social art projects, including group management and resilience development.
  • The Training of Trainers module: Preparing individuals to effectively deliver the training program to others.

Join us for a comprehensive training experience, tailored for educators and artists alike, to become agents of positive change through the fusion of social arts and creativity training. Book a discovery call to learn more?


Our 20-hour Creativity Training program is specifically designed for individuals looking to enhance their creative abilities. Tailored for artists, instructors, teachers, coaches, business leaders, and anyone seeking to tap into their creative potential, this training focuses solely on nurturing and expanding creativity. Join us for an enriching journey where you’ll unlock new levels of imaginative thinking and creative expression.

Key benefits of the training include:

  • developing perception, intuition, and expression
  • sensitizing participants to utilizing both hemispheres of the brain
  • breaking stereotyped thought patterns
  • igniting motivation and enthusiasm
  • understanding creative processes
  • generating and implementing new ideas to innovate
  • reconnecting with one’s creative source to enlarge our perspectives
  • mastering the use of mind maps as a creative tool
  • learning and mastering creativity techniques to be applied in problem solving

Our workshop content covers key creativity concepts, engaging in playful activities to activate the senses, participating in creative games and challenges, exploring traits that foster creativity, identifying obstacles to creativity, and practicing various exercises to enhance fluency in different forms of expression.

Each workshop accommodates 15-20 participants

Join us for a transformative 20-hour journey to unlock your creative potential and enrich your life and work with newfound inspiration and skills! Book a discovery call to learn more?

View the dossier


The above social circus an creativity programs can be customised to offer clients a program to suit their specific needs.


Dive into the world of social circus training, whether you aspire to become a certified trainer or integrate these innovative techniques when working with at-risk youth.

Over 60 hours spread across two weeks (6 hours per day), Antonio will guide you through immersive LIVE group coaching sessions, providing a comprehensive understanding of social circus principles and methodologies.

Key modules include:

  • Harnessing creativity: Explore tools, techniques, and strategies for effective teaching and coaching.
  • The power of play: Utilize games and activities as a dynamic pedagogical approach.
  • Mastering the art of teaching: Learn didactics and methodologies tailored for social circus training.
  • Understanding social circus: Define its objectives, intervention methods, and role in social inclusion.
  • Ensuring safety: Address emotional and physical safety concerns when working with at-risk youth.
  • Building resilience: Discover strategies for supporting at-risk youth and understanding target groups.
  • Effective facilitation: Develop skills in group management, dynamics, and intercultural relations.
  • Instructor essentials: Understand the role, responsibilities, and foundations of being a social circus instructor.
  • Communication mastery: Enhance communication and feedback techniques for optimal learning.
  • Fostering teamwork and leadership: Learn to lead effectively and collaborate within a team setting.
  • Program planning: Design and implement social circus programs with precision and purpose.
  • Cultivating partnerships: Explore the importance of collaboration and partnerships in social circus initiatives.
  • Evaluation methods: Utilize tools for assessing program effectiveness and participant progress.
  • Bonus 1: Trainer of trainers module.
  • Bonus 2: Exploring creativity and arts for social change.

Join us and unlock your potential to create positive societal change through the transformative power of social circus training. Book a discovery call to learn more?

View the dossier


Dive into the world of social circus training, whether you aspire to become a certified trainer or integrate these innovative techniques when working with at-risk youth.

Over 60 hours spread across two weeks (6 hours per day), Antonio will guide you through immersive LIVE group coaching sessions, providing a comprehensive understanding of social circus principles and methodologies.

Key modules include:

  • Harnessing creativity: Explore tools, techniques, and strategies for effective teaching and coaching.
  • The power of play: Utilize games and activities as a dynamic pedagogical approach.
  • Mastering the art of teaching: Learn didactics and methodologies tailored for social circus training.
  • Understanding social circus: Define its objectives, intervention methods, and role in social inclusion.
  • Ensuring safety: Address emotional and physical safety concerns when working with at-risk youth.
  • Building resilience: Discover strategies for supporting at-risk youth and understanding target groups.
  • Effective facilitation: Develop skills in group management, dynamics, and intercultural relations.
  • Instructor essentials: Understand the role, responsibilities, and foundations of being a social circus instructor.
  • Communication mastery: Enhance communication and feedback techniques for optimal learning.
  • Fostering teamwork and leadership: Learn to lead effectively and collaborate within a team setting.
  • Program planning: Design and implement social circus programs with precision and purpose.
  • Cultivating partnerships: Explore the importance of collaboration and partnerships in social circus initiatives.
  • Evaluation methods: Utilize tools for assessing program effectiveness and participant progress.
  • Bonus 1: Trainer of trainers module.
  • Bonus 2: Exploring creativity and arts for social change.

Join us and unlock your potential to create positive societal change through the transformative power of social circus training. Book a discovery call to learn more?

View dossier


Introducing our 40-hour Social Art Training program! Unlike our previous social circus training, this program takes a deeper dive into creativity and moves away from social circus to focus solely on Social Art training. Designed specifically to empower educators and artists, this training equips participants with the tools necessary to utilize art as an intervention tool for positive social change.

We emphasize the transformative benefits of art, including empowering individuals, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and solidarity, especially within marginalized communities. Join us for an immersive journey into the world of Social Art and discover how creativity can be harnessed as a powerful force for social transformation.

Key benefits of the training include:

  • Empowering instructors
  • Enhancing didactic and technical capabilities
  • Reinforcing playful learning through the Crealogys method
  • Facilitating knowledge dissemination

Participants will gain the skills and knowledge needed to leverage art as a tool for social intervention and positive community development.

Key modules include:

  • The Creativity module: Understanding and enhancing creativity through theoretical concepts and practical exercises.
  • The Social Pedagogy module: Experiential learning, teaching techniques, and integrating play into educational processes.
  • The Social Art module: Exploring the objectives, resources, and practical aspects of implementing social art projects, including group management and resilience development.
  • The Training of Trainers module: Preparing individuals to effectively deliver the training program to others.

Join us for a comprehensive training experience, tailored for educators and artists alike, to become agents of positive change through the fusion of social arts and creativity training. Book a discovery call to learn more?


Our 20-hour Creativity Training program is specifically designed for individuals looking to enhance their creative abilities. Tailored for artists, instructors, teachers, coaches, business leaders, and anyone seeking to tap into their creative potential, this training focuses solely on nurturing and expanding creativity. Join us for an enriching journey where you’ll unlock new levels of imaginative thinking and creative expression.


Key benefits of the training include:

  • developing perception, intuition, and expression
  • sensitizing participants to utilizing both hemispheres of the brain
  • breaking stereotyped thought patterns
  • igniting motivation and enthusiasm
  • understanding creative processes
  • generating and implementing new ideas to innovate
  • reconnecting with one’s creative source to enlarge our perspectives
  • mastering the use of mind maps as a creative tool
  • learning and mastering creativity techniques to be applied in problem solving


Our workshop content covers key creativity concepts, engaging in playful activities to activate the senses, participating in creative games and challenges, exploring traits that foster creativity, identifying obstacles to creativity, and practicing various exercises to enhance fluency in different forms of expression.


Each workshop accommodates 15-20 participants

Join us for a transformative 20-hour journey to unlock your creative potential and enrich your life and work with newfound inspiration and skills! Book a discovery call to learn more?

View dossier


Introducing our 40-hour Social Art Training program! Unlike our previous social circus training, this program takes a deeper dive into creativity and moves away from social circus to focus solely on Social Art training. Designed specifically to empower educators and artists, this training equips participants with the tools necessary to utilize art as an intervention tool for positive social change.

We emphasize the transformative benefits of art, including empowering individuals, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and solidarity, especially within marginalized communities. Join us for an immersive journey into the world of Social Art and discover how creativity can be harnessed as a powerful force for social transformation.

Key benefits of the training include:

  • Empowering instructors
  • Enhancing didactic and technical capabilities
  • Reinforcing playful learning through the Crealogys method
  • Facilitating knowledge dissemination

Participants will gain the skills and knowledge needed to leverage art as a tool for social intervention and positive community development.

Key modules include:

  • The Creativity module: Understanding and enhancing creativity through theoretical concepts and practical exercises.
  • The Social Pedagogy module: Experiential learning, teaching techniques, and integrating play into educational processes.
  • The Social Art module: Exploring the objectives, resources, and practical aspects of implementing social art projects, including group management and resilience development.
  • The Training of Trainers module: Preparing individuals to effectively deliver the training program to others.

Join us for a comprehensive training experience, tailored for educators and artists alike, to become agents of positive change through the fusion of social arts and creativity training. Book a discovery call to learn more?


Our 20-hour Creativity Training program is specifically designed for individuals looking to enhance their creative abilities. Tailored for artists, instructors, teachers, coaches, business leaders, and anyone seeking to tap into their creative potential, this training focuses solely on nurturing and expanding creativity. Join us for an enriching journey where you’ll unlock new levels of imaginative thinking and creative expression.

Key benefits of the training include:

  • developing perception, intuition, and expression
  • sensitizing participants to utilizing both hemispheres of the brain
  • breaking stereotyped thought patterns
  • igniting motivation and enthusiasm
  • understanding creative processes
  • generating and implementing new ideas to innovate
  • reconnecting with one’s creative source to enlarge our perspectives
  • mastering the use of mind maps as a creative tool
  • learning and mastering creativity techniques to be applied in problem solving

Our workshop content covers key creativity concepts, engaging in playful activities to activate the senses, participating in creative games and challenges, exploring traits that foster creativity, identifying obstacles to creativity, and practicing various exercises to enhance fluency in different forms of expression.

Each workshop accommodates 15-20 participants

Join us for a transformative 20-hour journey to unlock your creative potential and enrich your life and work with newfound inspiration and skills! Book a discovery call to learn more?

View the dossier


The above social circus an creativity programs can be customised to offer clients a program to suit their specific needs.


The above social circus an creativity programs can be customised to offer clients a program to suit their specific needs.

Introduction to Antonio Benítez

Antonio Benitez is a dedicated global trainer and seasoned circus artist with three decades of performance and training experience across continents. He has served as a trainer of trainers in Cirque du Soleil “Circo del Mundo” project, one of the biggest global initiatives that leverages the power of circus arts to create transformative and empowering experiences for marginalised communities around the world. Antonio’s signature “Crealogys” method, which offers creativity
and learning pedagogy training, has empowered communities, social circus projects and circus schools around the world.

Introduction to Antonio Benítez

Antonio Benitez is a dedicated global trainer and seasoned circus artist with three decades of performance and training experience across continents. He has served as a trainer of trainers in Cirque du Soleil “Circo del Mundo” project, one of the biggest global initiatives that leverages the power of circus arts to create transformative and empowering experiences for marginalised communities around the world. Antonio’s signature “Crealogys” method, which offers creativity
and learning pedagogy training, has empowered communities, social circus projects and circus schools around the world.

Book a complimentary discovery call with us

Book a complimentary discovery call with us

What Clients say…

Circo globo (USA)
"Antonio brings so much depth to his teaching from his decades of experience and honed pedagogy in Social Circus and performance and a real love for sharing knowledge. His training offered our team a rare opportunity to re-examine their our teaching methods and styles, un- pack their patterns and habits, re-engage their own creativity in a safe challenging thougthful and playful environment and collaborate and re-connect with each other and our program's mission and vision. It was a very transformative and beneficial experience that will impact our program for years to come."
La Tarumba (Peru)
"All the resources and tools offered by Mr. Benitez has been appreciated and very useful for our students, teachers and workers for our work and pedagogical proposal."
Machincuepa circo social (Mexico)
"He was always fully engaged and committed to the achievement of goals set by our organization. We were very satisfied by his performance as an artist and teacher."
Zip-Zap Circus (South Africa)
"I cannot recommend Antonio more highly for being hard-working, diligent, responsible, committed and talented. He will be an asset to any team."
Tejido circo social( Ecuador)
"The founding members of the Tejido, including myself, were able to benefit from these very important formations. We want to reveal that Mr. Benitez's contributions were vital for the development of this prac- tice in our country, his professional, creative and dedicated work allowed more than a hundred to partici- pate to acquire the theoretical and practical bases of the social circus."

Antonio Benítez's biography

Workshop leader at the European juggling conventions , Norway, Argentina, Canada,Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Denmark, Slovenia, Holland, Germany, Greece, Basque Country, etc… from 1994 to 2015.

Circus trainer at circus school Chapito, Potugal 1998-1999

Trainer of trainers of Social Circus (Cirque du monde program, Cirque du soleil) in Mexico, South Africa,Ecuador, Brazil,Cameron ,Honduras,Argentina, Haiti, Peru, Costa Rica, Chile 2008- 2018

Creativity and Pedagogy Workshops Trainer, Chile 2013, Panama2016, Ecuador 2015, Puerto Rico 2016, Peru 2017,Guatemala 2017, Spain 2017, Spain 2018,2019

Creativity workshop Trainer with Unicef and the Mexican institute of climate change Mexico 2017.

Creativity Trainer Senegal 2019

Social Circus Trainer Mauritius islands 2019

Circus Trainer at Kulta , Norway 2021-2023

Social Art Trainer ,Albuquerque,USA 2023